Hypnotherapy - Magdalena Lyle
Can hypnosis help quit smoking?

Hypnosis Helps You Quit Smoking


Smoking is an addiction. However, with hypnotherapy, you can become free of smoking for good. Hypnosis helps you quit smoking.

There are many reasons people smoke cigarettes, from social reasons, habit, confidence and/or to suppress one’s appetite. Even though we all know the negative health risks that are associated with smoking cigarettes. There are still a lot of people who decide to light up every day. The good news is there are fewer people smoking than there used to be, more likely as the publicity of the dangers of smoking are now widely known and recognised.

How Will Hypnotherapy Stop You Smoking?

Hypnotherapy can help you quit smoking, by changing your association with smoking. A lot of people consider smoking to be pleasurable and something they do when they are stressed, as it makes them feel better. Instead, people should see smoking as bad or painful, damaging their bodies and health. Information from WebMed says studies have helped people quit smoking.

Hypnotherapy Will Help You Quit Smoking!

Hypnotherapy puts you into a suggestible state, where you reprogram your subconscious mind to not think about cigarettes in a positive way. However, you see them as the damaging and bad for your health thing they actually are. After your hypnosis session, you will also get a recording which you will listen to daily for at least 21 days. This ensures these thoughts are reframed in your mind permanently.

To read more about addictions you can read this blog article:

Why Can’t I Get Past?

If you are ready to have a chat with Magdalena, book your complimentary discovery call.

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