It Is Like You Are Lost
It is like you are lost? You know where you want to go and the journey you want to be on. That’s what Magdalena does is hold your hand and help you get to where you want to go.
It is like you are lost? You know where you want to go and the journey you want to be on. That’s what Magdalena does is hold your hand and help you get to where you want to go.
How could you explain the anxiousness that you feel? When you feel that sickness in the pit of your stomach. How do you explain it when even you don’t understand it?
What if you put as much effort into feeling good as you do your anxiety? Why don’t you put that energy to feeling confident, do a complete 180 degree change in your life.
As we get older we start to feel more insecure within ourselves and we lose confidence. Where do you think we pick up our beliefs? We certainly were not born with any particular beliefs.
Is the anxiety you are feeling overwhelming and taking over your life?
Don’t let anxiety beat you down and win!
What is the negative thought that keeps looping in your mind?
Magdalena gives you guidance on how to eliminate the looping negative thoughts in your mind.
Traumatic events affect us all differently, the key is to understand it and it isn’t something that you can always consciously do.
What if you could find out?
Why and how you can deal with it, wouldn’t your life be so much better?
You may have had a wonderful childhood, however, there could have been one instance like if your parents went away from work. An instance like this could be causing you anxiety.
The perpetual negative thoughts that keep looping in your head, end up being what you think is ultimately true. Are your thoughts looping saying that “you are not good enough?”
Your mind is with you all the time. It is so clever and smart and will protect you all the time.
Are panic attacks and anxiety taking over your body? Are you overwhelmed with the feelings and thoughts that have such an incredible impact on your life?
Even though you may be telling yourself positive affirmations, it may not be enough. You could possibly still be getting uncontrollable shaking and anxiety.
Magdalena gives a simple but thorough explanation of what hypnosis is! Hypnosis is an extremely powerful therapy, that produces amazing results.
Magdalena from Energie4 Therapy, discussing what actually happens in a hypnosis session. Very informative about the ins and outs of a hypnosis session.
So many of us live with anxious feelings and can often develop into panic attacks. Magdalena shares 3 things that you can do to help with your anxiety and panic attacks. If this is you and you want help and to understand how you
Why do we feel the need to self-diagnose and put labels on ourselves? How would you feel if you didn’t feel this way anymore?
Magdalena debunking the myths of hypnosis. Most people will have seen stage hypnosis but this is totally different to therapy hypnosis which Magdalena has had so much success with clients.
Smoking is an addiction. However, with hypnotherapy, you can become free of smoking for good. Hypnosis helps you quit smoking. There are many reasons people smoke cigarettes, from social reasons, habit, confidence and/or to suppress one’s appetite. Even though we all know the negative
Why Can’t I get past?….Smoking, Shed the extra kilos, Anxiety or Fear of…??? Yes, it is absolutely true that some things happen for a reason and some things we are born with but having addictions, having weight issues, fear of anything, having anxiety or
Hypnotherapy is the most successful therapy in Barrios’ conclusion for changing behaviours, and habits and modifying thought patterns, as well as being the most successful and fastest way. In this blog, I will discuss this particular research article but this is only on to